Friday 21 June 2013

There's a stone circle in Australia that's older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids!

In Victoria, Australia there is a large egg-shaped arrangement of 100 basalt stones. Each of the stones is between 0.5 to 1 meters tall. The whole arrangement is 50 meters wide. The Wathaurung Aboriginal Corporation are the traditional owners of the stone circle.

On the western apex, there are three stones that look like they mimic three mountains in the background. Some historians believe the stones were set up to indicate the setting sun at the equinox of the summer and winter solstice.

The Wathaurung Aboriginal people have lived in the area for 25,000 years and the stone circle is thought to be older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. Much of the traditions and customs of the Wathaurung people have been lost, but many historians believe the stone circle was for astronomical purposes. The exact location of the site isn’t publicized, because they want to respect the wishes of the elders of the land and keep the site away from heavy traffic.
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