Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Young Man Earns 19 Degrees and Titles in Only 13 Years

It’s fair to say that most professionals are proud of their achievements, especially when their names include titles they worked hard for over the years.

For Welin Kusuma, it’s hard for him to write his name, but only because he takes pride in writing his full name along with all his honorary achievements, which takes up three lines and incorporates 19 titles.

Yes, you read that right. He has 19 titles, specifically eight bachelor’s degrees, three master’s degrees, and eight professional titles.

 His whole name reads Welin Kusuma ST, SE, SSos, SH, SKom, SS, SAP, SStat, MT, MSM, MKn, RFP-I, CPBD, CPPM, CFP, AffWM, BKP, QWP.

One might think that he has spent his whole life studying. However, Welin, 31, spent only 13 years earning all of his titles.

How is that possible?

Well, he took classes in parallel, spending the whole day running from one university to the other. There were times when studying got hard for him. He received warnings for taking courses for longer than the normal time that is recommended, and he also had classes whose times overlapped.

However, he didn’t let these obstacles hinder him from achieving so much. When asked why he studied so much, his answer was that he dreamed to be an integrated consultant who can provide many perspectives to his clients.

“My professional degrees are related to management, finance, and taxation,” he explained. Even though he focused much on the management field, he studied law and engineering to equip his clients with more information.

Here is the complete list of his degrees so far:

*Graduate of SMAN 1 Kendari
*Management Economics major at STIE Urip Sumoharjo, 2001
*Bachelor of Engineering (ST) in 2004
*Law at Unair and Public Administration at Universitas Terbuka (UT), 2002
*Informatics Engineering at Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya (STTS), 2002
*English literature at UK Petra, 2003
*Bachelor’s degree in public administration and statistics at UT
*Masters of Industrial Engineering at ITS, 2004
*Masters of Science Management
*Masters of Notary at Universitas Airlangga (Unair)

His Professional titles include:

*Registered financial planner, Indonesia (RFP-I)
*Certified professional in brand development (CPBD)
*Certified professional in product management (CPPM)
*Certified financial planner (CFP)
*Affiliate wealth manager (AffWM)
*Certified taxation consultant (BKP)
*Qualified wealth planner (QWP)
*Certified professional in human resources (CPHR)

He also wasn’t that much of a burden on his parents since he paid for his own education in 2004.

As of today, he is a tax consultant because of his BKP degree. However, his real work is in the information systems (IS) field.

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