Thursday, 22 August 2013

In 1962 the US government planned terrorist attacks on US cities to start a war with Cuba.

The CIA planned to commit acts of terror against the United States during the Kennedy Administration…sort of. “Operation Northwoods” was a top secret CIA project that called for the government to commit perceived acts of terror on US cities and blame these on Cuba. Why?
Well, lacking a legitimate reason to go to war against Cuba, the U.S. Government was forced to make one up in hopes of gaining public support for a war against Cuba.

Many of us have watched Alias, and assumed that Sidney Bristow’s life was a sensationalized version of a CIA agent. Apparently it wasn’t too far from the truth. The plan called for CIA agents to disguise themselves as Cuban Agents and commit acts of terror on the U.S base at Guantanamo Bay and other major U. S. Cities. Operation Northwoods outlined such drastic measures as bombings, hijackings, riots, sinking American ships, and even conducting funerals for mock victims.

The plan, finally revealed to the public in 1997 because of it’s illegal and violent content, could be likened to the work of a malicious and manipulative Disney villain, citing such detailed schemes as creating an incident where a Cuban aircraft had attacked and shot down a chartered U.S. Civil airliner en route from the United States to Jamaica.Luckily, President Kennedy vetoed the violent proposal and saved some Americans from themselves.

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