Friday, 30 August 2013

Scientists discovered new Super Heavy Element with Atomic Number 115, Ununpentium.

Scientists from Lund University, Sweden in the last week of August 2013 discovered a new super-heavy chemical element, which can be a part of the periodic table in the coming future. The atomic number of the super-heavy element is 115 and is made by combining atoms of calcium americium. The scientists have not named it yet but for time being it will be referred as, Ununpentium.

The element was discovered by an international team of researchers, who conducted an experiment at GSI Research facility in Germany for confirmation of the earlier measurements done by the Russian research group.

-> Process of Creation

Scientists shot a beam of calcium (with 20 protons) into a thin strip of americium (with 95 protons), for creation of the element. Till the time it doesn't get a name, scientists will refer it as Ununpentium (a greek and latin combination of the words that represents atomic number of an element, one-one-five). Ununpentium belongs to the group of manmade elements.

Before being acknowledged, the findings of the research of the newly discovered super-heavy element will be reviewed by a committee that comprises members of international unions of pure and applied physics and chemistry.

The researchers have also identified the structure as well as the properties of the super-heavy element's atomic nuclei.

In 2011, scientists approved three new elements for being added into the Periodic Table with their atomic numbers 110, 111 and 112. and were named Darmstadtium (Ds), Roentgenium (Rg) and Copernicium (Cn), respectively.

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