Wednesday, 30 October 2013

9/11 was also responsible for 1600 automobile deaths because so many people stopped flying and drove instead!

On September 11, 2001, when the United States was attacked by foreign terrorists, all planes were grounded to make sure that no more jets could be used as missiles.

As such, many people had to drive instead of fly to their destinations. Even when the airlines were back to operating, less people used them.
Airline miles fell by between 12% and 20% in the months after the attacks. People who were fearful of flying took to their cars instead.

Terrorists attacks aside, it is actually safer to travel the same distance by airplane than by car.

While we can be sure just how many more accidents and deaths occurred due to this increase in driving, according to risk specialist, Professor Gerd Gigerenzer, about 1,595 extra Americans died in car accidents in the year after 9/11.

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