Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A 33-Year-Old Justin Bieber Fan Spent $100,000 On Plastic Surgeries To Make himself look like his Idol

Toby Sheldon, today 33, is a song writer living in Los Angeles who is obsessed with Justin Bieber. But it’s not the 19-year-old singer’s music that fascinates him so much but rather his appearance. At the age of 23 Sheldon first began having special treatment because of his thinning hair but his Bieber-obsession started when the ‘Boyfriend’ singer became widely popular back in 2008. Sheldon stated he found Bieber’s boyish look really attractive and wanted to look just like him.

Since then Sheldon has spent more than $100,000 on all kinds of plastic surgeries including lips and face fillers, upper eye lid surgery, botox injections and chin liposuction. The fat removed from his face was used to plump his lips and was injected under his eyes in order to make the skin look younger.

Sheldon happily tells about the time he was turned away from a bar because employees couldn’t believe he was 33 and refused to serve him. He also proudly shares having been mistaken for his idol couple of times which has made him extremely happy.

The 33-year-old song writer admits there is still a lot of work to be done in order to complete his Bieber transformation, therefore he is planning on having a nose job and a jaw reduction procedures.

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