Sunday, 14 July 2013

There have been no reported cases of piranhas eating a human!

Piranhas are known as vicious fish, fish that eat humans with their super sharp teeth. They've been featured in horror movies as villain's accomplices and human eating machines. However, they're not quite as horrible as we might think.

They're normally about 5.5 to 10.25 inches long and have a row of spiky triangular teeth on the top and bottom of their jaw. These are used to puncture and shear their prey. They do eat meat and are known for their big appetite, but some species also eat seeds. Other species scavenge in addition to hunting.

They can't be found just anywhere like in the movies. They exclusively inhabit South American fresh waters, especially the Amazon basin. There are no records of a piranha eating a human--this is a mythical concept. They are known for nipping off skin and scales of fish. Their prey can then survive, and this creates a renewable food source for the piranhas.

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