Thursday, 22 August 2013

In certain situations, drinking alcohol is the most effective way to save your life!

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has always been there for humanity when we've been become plagued by an assortment of illnesses. An example of this is the Swine Flu (H1N1) epidemic. Furthermore, the CDC has always been there for humanity in post apocalyptic zombie movies, because the CDC is seen as the last hope for mankind to come up with a 'cure' to a zombie plague.

Besides saving humanity from zombies, the CDC provides a few other services to humanity - such as telling the world what to do if you swallow certain poisonous chemicals on their website.

One of the chemicals that the CDC discusses on their website is Ethylene Glycol, the main ingredient in anti-freeze.

As it turns out, if you were to drink Ethylene Glycol, the best thing you can do to avoid death is to drink alcohol! Why? Well, alcohol will actually SIGNIFICANTLY slow down the poisonous effect Ethylene Glycol has on the body! Drinking alcohol will add enough time on your life to make it to the hospital where you can be treated by doctors!

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