Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The US Defense Department could spend about $1 billion per year on military bands in the next 50 years!

When you think of the military, you think of musical bands right? No? True, most people would not associate the US Armed Forces with a marching band, but just the Army has over 100 bands and the Air Force has at least 15.

These bands, some of which are kept on reserve, are often used for military ceremonies. They may perform in parades, on radio or television shows, or during ceremonies aboard military vessels.

A lot of bands cost a lot of money. In the next 50 years, the Defense Department will likely spend $50 billion on them. This figure varies depending on who you ask, and some officials put it closer to $25 billion. Still a large chunk of change though.

Considering the government has been trying to cut costs (President Obama cut $18 million from the 2011 military budget), this cost seems a bit much. Military bands are important, but not quite important as, say, the actual military.

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