Thursday, 10 October 2013

Humans Can Be Zombified By Cordyceps Parasites

There’s a rumour going around on the Internet about a parasite which is able to turn people into zombies. The zombifying parasite is actually a species of fungus called Cordyceps. According to the rumour, the parasite infects dead animals and turns them ”undead”. The parasites invade the bodies of ants and other insects, which in theory could infect other animals which could then infect people. Eventually, the parasite could zombify humankind.
Of course, there’s a little truth in the rumour, but most of it is complete and utter nonsense. The parasite infects living creatures and eventually kills its host. One such parasite is the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which attacks ants. It affects the immune system and takes over the ant’s brain. After it kills the host, the fungus grows a spore stalk and spreads across the insect’s colonies.

So far the parasite hasn’t been reported to be particularly dangerous to humans. Scientists found out that this fungus has been on Earth for more than 48 million years ago and they still haven’t done anything to humankind. However, experts assume there is a possibility the parasite can evolve therefore its future behavior cannot be predicted.

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