Thursday, 10 October 2013

Massive Crayfish

Crayfish may be casually refered to as “toebiters.” These freshwater relatives of lobsters are usually quite small and may not be taken seriously. However, the giant Tasmanian crayfish, sometimes called the river lobster, is enormous—the largest freshwater invertebrate. 
 That said, you should have concern for the survival of this awesome endangered species. Weighing up to 3 kilograms (7 lbs), with a length of nearly 1 meter (3 ft), this gargantuan arthropod stalks the rivers of Tasmania. This animal lies in wait to capture its prey, and its bit could sever fingers. 
With a black carapace, the  creature blends in with rocky river beds river and is not easily seen by its predators, or its prey. But don’t worry, they’re pretty rare.

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