Saturday, 31 August 2013

7 excessive emotional feelings that damage body organs!

Unbalanced emotion is the biggest cause of blockages in the body. Chinese Medicine tells us that overexcitement and excessive causes damage to the heart energy.

Anger and anxiety damages the liver energy. Fears damage the kidneys. Sadness and depression damage the lung energy. Too much thinking and mental work damages the stomach and pancreas.

Unlike most dams, the Hoover Dam is so strong it doesn't need to be curved!

Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada.

It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Nelson Mandela became the First Recipient of the Mahathir Award.

The former South African President Nelson Mandela on 27 August 2013 won the inaugural Mahathir Award for Global Peace.

Current South African President Jacob Zuma accepted the award on behalf of Mandela.

Top 6 Home Remedies for yellow Teeth

1. Baking soda is one of the best ingredients that you can use to get rid of your yellow teeth. You can make a whitening mouthwash with baking soda by mixing two tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of cold water.

The largest privately held company in the US makes over $120 billion a year!

W.W. Cargill founded Cargill Inc. Back in 1865 as a small grain storage company. Today the agro-giant is the largest private company in the world, with nearly $120 billion in revenue and 130,000 employees in 63 countries.

There's a bird that guides humans to beehives. Humans take the honey and they eat bee larvae!

Honeyguide birds are an excellent example of a mutually beneficial relationship. These birds, who lives in parts of Africa and Asia, will actually lead humans to beehives. Once the humans take what they want - the honey, the birds will eat the leftover bee larvae and wax. It's a win-win situation.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Scientists discovered new Super Heavy Element with Atomic Number 115, Ununpentium.

Scientists from Lund University, Sweden in the last week of August 2013 discovered a new super-heavy chemical element, which can be a part of the periodic table in the coming future. The atomic number of the super-heavy element is 115 and is made by combining atoms of calcium americium. The scientists have not named it yet but for time being it will be referred as, Ununpentium.

The element was discovered by an international team of researchers, who conducted an experiment at GSI Research facility in Germany for confirmation of the earlier measurements done by the Russian research group.

-> Process of Creation

Scientists shot a beam of calcium (with 20 protons) into a thin strip of americium (with 95 protons), for creation of the element. Till the time it doesn't get a name, scientists will refer it as Ununpentium (a greek and latin combination of the words that represents atomic number of an element, one-one-five). Ununpentium belongs to the group of manmade elements.

Before being acknowledged, the findings of the research of the newly discovered super-heavy element will be reviewed by a committee that comprises members of international unions of pure and applied physics and chemistry.

The researchers have also identified the structure as well as the properties of the super-heavy element's atomic nuclei.

In 2011, scientists approved three new elements for being added into the Periodic Table with their atomic numbers 110, 111 and 112. and were named Darmstadtium (Ds), Roentgenium (Rg) and Copernicium (Cn), respectively.

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Garrote Execution

The garrote is a device that strangles a person to death. It very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion.

It was widely employed in 17th and 18th century India as an assassination device, particularly by the Thuggee cult.

Mysterious Purple Spheres Discovered in the Desert

When a photographer and her husband trekked into the desert for a routine shoot, they didn’t expect to stumble onto an odd scene that left them scratching their heads: thousands of mysterious, gelatinous, purple orbs scattered in a circle in the middle of nowhere.

A man who lost half his face to cancer is rebuilding his life after surgeons used 3D printing technology to make him a prosthesis.

'The picture may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised'.

A man who lost half his face to cancer is rebuilding his life after surgeons used 3D printing technology to make him a prosthesis.

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Gold is edible!

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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Baby stabbed for 90 times

Baby stabbed 90 times with scissors by his Chinese mother after he bit her as she was breastfeeding him

Eight-month-old baby is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed 90 times by his mother, mostly in the face, for biting her while she was breastfeeding. Bao needed more than 100 stitches.

There is an insect that can perform photosynthesis!

This plant-bug freak is called the pea aphid; dismissed by farmers as pests, but a fascinating work of nature. Alain Robichon of the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute in France recent conducted a study on pea aphid. He reported that they use pigments called carotenoids to harvest the sun’s energy and make ATP, a molecule that acts as a store of chemical energy.

The Man Who Built 2,500 Libraries

After selling his company in 1901 and amassing a fortune equivalent to over $75 billion today, Andrew Carnegie devoted most of the rest of his life to philanthropy, specifically the building and funding of public libraries. By the time of his death in 1919, he had spent over 90 percent of his wealth on charity and had a hand in the construction of 2,509 different libraries, with locations in the US, the UK, Canada, and even Fiji. He had a firmly held belief the wealthy needed to share their fortune for the betterment of mankind.

An oil rig once caused an entire lake to drain!

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5 Unbelievable Medical Mistakes

1- Joan Morris (a pseudonym) is a 67-year-old woman admitted to a teaching hospital for cerebral angiography. The day after that procedure, she mistakenly underwent an invasive cardiac electrophysiology study. After angiography, the patient was transferred to another floor rather than returning to her original bed. Discharge was planned for the following day.

Cure Headaches and Migraines without Pills

There is a better solution for this continuous headaches than pills,since they just ease the momentary pain.instead of treating the real problem.

There are many natural cures for headaches,but the following juices will provide relied on cures for your chronic headaches and migraine.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

First Color Photograph,1861

The first color photograph made by the three-color method suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1855, taken in 1861 by Thomas Sutton.

Best known for his development of electromagnetic theory, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell dabbled in color theory throughout his life, eventually producing the first color photograph in 1861.

'A two-legged dog inspiring disabled war veterans'

A two-legged dog who has learned to walk upright has been made an honorary sergeant in the U.S. army for inspiring disabled war veterans.

"Operation Lion Heart." 2005 Pulitzer Prize winner

Saleh Khalaf, a 9-year-old Iraqi boy, was severely maimed by an explosion. His indomitable spirit, which earned Saleh the nickname Lion Heart .moved Air Force surgeons in Iraq to launch an international mercy mission to save him

Porphyria: Disease Of The Walking Dead

Porphyria is a hormone disease that causes sufferers to develop horrifying physical symptoms and light sensitivity. It is believed that severe cases of the little-understood disease gave rise to the legends of vampires and werewolves.

Porphyria is a genetic disorder of porphyrins (organic compounds of which heme—red blood cell pigment—is the most common in humans).

Guide dogs are smart enough to disobey unsafe commands!

A guide dog essentially has the responsibility for a human life in it's paws; it's duty is to ensure that it's owner remain safe and be able to navigate through the world with the smallest possible amount of complications or danger. The average guide dog will work about 6-8 years but some work for 10 years or longer.

What is Gaslighting?

When gaslightees defend their own feelings or character they are dismissed by their gaslighters as crazy, irrational, or uptight. "It's like a magic trick, a sleight of hand. Let me focus your attention here rather than there," Stern told me. "Maybe you are sensitive, but what does that have to do with the other person being late?"

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Former editor, millionaire, found living on Indian street

If you are walking on the footpath on JP Road in Versova, then you might come across an elderly woman sitting just outside the gurudwara Sachkhand Darbar. Mumbaiites, used to seeing thousands of penniless men, women and children on the streets, could well mistake her for just another beggar.

Blind and Disabled Biker Sets New Motorcycle Speed Record!

Every corner’s a blind bend for this motorcyclist.

But Stuart Gunn’s inability to see where he’s going has not prevented him from setting a new world speed record.

He became the fastest blind and disabled biker on the planet after hitting 167.1mph on Saturday.

'I taught judo to Osama bin Laden'

Taiwanese coach Jimmy Wu poses with what Wu says is a photo of himself with Osama Bin Laden dressed in their judo, during an interview with Reuters in Taichung May 7, 2011.

Wu showed Reuters photographs of himself and a tall, thin, bearded, serious young man with a mop of black hair whom he said was Osama. Mr Wu says he was in Saudi Arabia to coach the national judo team from 1981 to 1991. Bin Laden attended judo classes two to three times a week, Mr Wu claims.

The Forgotten Climate Apocalypse Of 1783

In the summer of 1783, the Laki Volcano in Iceland erupted, killing thousands and sending a plume of sulphur into the atmosphere above Europe. What followed was a year of horror; as the weather turned lethal, a mist of blood seemed to hang over the continent, and the climate went haywire.

A radical Islamic sect lived underground for over ten years!

In Russia, a radical Islamic sect was recently discovered living in an underground bunker without heat or sunlight for nearly a decade! The bunker is located on the outskirts of the city of Kazan.


A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled and asked.

'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

Monday, 26 August 2013

12 Foods to Burn Belly Fat !

1. nuts
They slim your stomach by keeping it full, eating about 24 almonds a day will satisfy your hunger for longer.

2. Protein powder
It contains amino acids that burn fat and build muscle. Adding two teaspoons to a smoothie will create a fat-busting and tastier drink

Devoted husband spends his life savings so he can build a scale replica of the Taj Mahal in honour of his dead wife, in his garden.

Faizul Hasan Kadari, 77, has used up his life saving to build the miniature 50ft by 50ft version of the iconic structure in memory of his wife Tajammuli

He embarked on the project after promising his wife, who was childless, on her deathbed that he would create something that she would be remembered by.

Nokia is developing a phone that would charge while you're walking around with it!

Nokia has already created indestructible phones, but now the phone company is trying to create a phone that will harvest radio waves in order to recharge the battery on the phone while it is on standby.

A 555 lbs. lady lost 443 in one year by eating nothing but baby food!

Dolly Dimples was a sideshow fat lady who weighed 555 lbs. In the mid-1900s.

She was born Celesta Herrmann in Cincinnati on July 18, 1901. As a baby her eating habits and weight were amongst normal ranks. Her early weight gain was contributed to the visitations of a family friend.

The explosive power of a nuclear bomb can be adjusted… even in flight!

Nuclear weapons are extremely powerful. Their yields are measured as tens and hundreds of kilotons. To put that in perspective, one kiloton is equivalent to the destructive power of 1,000 metric tons of TNT. The bomb that destroyed Hiroshima was a 13 kiloton weapon. And that destroyed an entire city.

Venus - The Chimera Cat

Meet chimera cat. She recently went viral on the internet - for obvious reasons. Chimera cat is one individual organism, but genetically its own fraternal twin.

A chimera is typically formed from four parent cells (either two fertilized eggs, or two early embryos that have fused together).

Sunday, 25 August 2013

There is an award for people who kill themselves in stupid ways!

Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the Darwin Awards commemorate those who “improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it.” The first recipient of this award was a college student who dressed himself up as Dracula for Halloween.

Inca surgeons in the year 1000 performed cranium surgery!

Inca surgeons in ancient Peru commonly and successfully removed small portions of patients' skulls to treat head injuries, according to a new study. The surgical procedure—known as trepanation—was most often performed on adult men, likely to treat injuries suffered during combat, researchers say.

The 639-Year-Long Concert

In 2001, an automatic organ in Sankt Burchardi Church started playing a piece titled As Slow As Possible, written by John Cage. It is scheduled to finish playing the song in the year 2640, making this the longest concert in the world.

The Difference Between The Internet And The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is what we navigate every day, what you’re reading this page on right now. It dates to 1991, while the Internet—the underlying network, the framework on which the Web lies—was created much earlier.

The Difference Between Rabbits And Hares

Most people probably don’t know what differentiates a hare and a rabbit, and they are so remarkably similar that it’s understandable. Among other differences, hares are born with hair and open eyes, while rabbits are born naked and blind. Hares usually go it alone in life, but rabbits will form colonies with a dominant male.

British Spies Used Male Fluids As Invisible Ink

During World War I, members of the British intelligence service MI6 used, um, “bodily fluids” as invisible ink to pass secret messages. This was discovered by a man hilariously and ironically named Mansfield Cumming.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Can You See Your Own Brain Waves?

An intriguing new paper in the Journal of Neuroscience introduces a new optical illusion – and, potentially, a new way to see ones own brain activity.

Here’s the illusion:
It’s a simple black and white “wheel” with 32 spokes.

To see the illusion, get the wheel in your peripheral vision. Look around the edge of your screen and maybe a bit beyond – you should find a ‘sweet spot’ at which the center of the wheel starts to ‘flicker’ on and off like a strobe light.

Winged cat

Winged cats is a term for sightings or descriptions of cats with wing-like appendages. There are three different causes of wing-like appendages. The most common is longhaired cats having matted fur. Felted mats of fur can form along the body and flanks if a longhaired cat is not properly groomed. Less commonly, mats can occur in shorthaired cats if molted fur adheres to growing fur over several seasons. When the cat runs, the mats flap up and down giving the impression of wings.

Spiked dog collars were invented in Ancient Greece to protect dogs throats from wolves!

Dog collars originated in Ancient Egypt, where of course, they were worn just because they looked wicked. Needless to say, only the very wealthy were able to give their dogs neck bling. Pharaohs had so much money they became bored of wearing jewelry all alone, so they had to glam out their pets too.

A mouse society that runs out of room will break down completely even if it has enough food and water to feed everyone!

In the early 1960s, the National Institute of Mental Health conducted a number of experiments with mice. One was called the mouse universe. Four pairs of mice were released into a mice "utopia." There was no shortage of food, water or nesting supplies, and there were no predators. The mice began to reproduce.

How To Increase Your Height Naturally

1. Skipping : Skipping helps to increase the blood circulation and helps the body muscles grow. It is one of the simple exercise to increase our height.

2. Milk : The 3 nutrients; Proteins, Vitamin D and Calcium in the milk helps to grow tall.

Friday, 23 August 2013

FDA Finally Admits Chicken Meat Contains Cancer-Causing Arsenic

After years of sweeping the issue under the rug and hoping no one would notice, the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that’s fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It’s added to the chicken feed purposely!

Hitler in disguise: U.S intelligence prepped for Nazi leader fleeing by creating images of what he would look like minus the mustache. 1940s.

By 1944 Adolf Hitler’s image - with his trademark toothbrush mustache and dark hair slicked into a side parting - was known by the world. 

However, U.S intelligence officers feared the Nazi leader would be able to flee from Germany by assuming a disguise and - to prepare for this eventuality - ordered his portrait to be cloned.